psalm 81:16

It is very interesting because I am reading through the Bible in a year thematically as I came across this verse. I am reading through Number and Psalms right now. It is so interesting how both can correlate so well. The psalmist writes how the Lord brought the children of Israel through so much but they still did not walk in His ways. I have been challenged this week to walk in the Lord’s ways. That if I open my mouth, He will fill it. I’ve learned this week that if I need guidance from the Lord it requires faith. Ive needed faith to ask the Lord for strength as I work with kids each day. In this verse rock is looked at as a difficulty. And the Lord always gives us something sweet from a hard time or a rock we have to jump over. This week has been tough just like last. It was tiring being in class with kids who don’t listen or respect me. But there is honey that comes from the rock. A little boy in my class, Shadrack, is friends with Joel and he came to our home yesterday. This boy is usually naughty in class, misbehaves, and instigates with others. But today as he was in class he was the happiest kid. He was so kind to others and kept telling me how much he loved our home and showed his gratitude. It was a sweet thing to see after this long hard week. Trials always end in triumph and I have noticed that this week. Sometimes in the midst of being near the rock it wont look like it will move or budge but patience is key and the Lord will be faithful and bring sweetness out of it.

application: pray for Topclass 


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