Luke 2:46

Luke 2:46
After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions

When Jesus was in the temple he would sit among teachers and ask questions. This reminds me of when we all sat around Pastor Steve Venable. We talked and asked questions for hours because of the wisdom he had to share. It was honestly one of my favorite classes here. I have so much respect for him and was so thankful that he was able to take that time and invest in us. When the Bible talks about what Jesus did in the Bible we are to do what he did. He came down as an example and we are to follow that. So often I get side tracked when we are getting taught in class. So many pastors come down and take time out of their lives to invest in our lives. I become lazy and zone off and when they ask we have questions I do not have any. That is one thing that I regret is asking questions to some of the wise pastors that have visited. I have had some quality talks the past couple of weeks but I would have loved to talk to other ones. In the future I am going to ask more questions like Isaiah. He is always inquisitive on things and that is how I want to be.


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