Matthew 9:37–38
The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37–38. The harvest is ready because the kingdom is at hand. But few are willing to further the kingdom. We are to pray earnestly about more laborers being sent out to further the Lord’s kingdom. Some are willing but are they willing to take steps of faith? Am I willing to take steps of faith everyday? I’ve been challenged to be in constant prayer for the laborers to come. For ten years my brother has not been walking with the Lord. He has turned away and lived a carnal life. He dated and then married an unbeliever. But the whole time our family prayed for their salvation. My parents prayed earnestly. And on my moms birthday they both walked up to an alter call and received Christ into their hearts. My mom said it was the best present she has gotten. When I found out my eyes welled up with tears. I thought of how faithful ...