Genesis 28:20

Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat and clothing to wear, so that I come again to my father’s house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God, and this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, shall be God’s house. And of all that you give me I will give a full tenth to you.” 

In this section of scripture God is reiterating His covenant to Jacob that he had already given to Isaac and Abraham. He tells Jacob of the blessings he has and how his descendants will multiply and fill the earth. In this dream that Jacob has shows that God is and will always be present with Him. Today I had to lay something down. A desire of mine had to be put aside. I am also feeling attacked today. I read this section this morning and am intrigued at Jacob’s response. Jacob makes a vow to the Lord. This morning I made a vow to the Lord. I will show steadfast love and faithfulness. From today on I am going to wake up and pray that. That the Lord will guide me and give me strength. Because the Lord is always with me. The Lord shall be my God. I am to give to Him for all that He has done for me. God has provided for me and will continue to provide for me. He has given me bread to eat and clothes on my back. He has provided for me to be here in IGNITE and opened doors. I pray that God will keep me in His way and will send me on the path of righteousness. I desire so much to be on that way of righteousness. I am reminded so often to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Then what? Then He will give me everything I need. But not now because now I am to above all else seek Him. In this process I need patience. I ask for it every day. 

Application: I will show steadfast love and faithfulness this week by waking up earlier to read. 


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