Malachi 2:16

"…so guard yourselves in your spirit and do not be faithless”
I need to faithful in all things and guard myself. I have learned this in all of tour. I have had to guard myself in certain situations. I need to guard myself around the people I’m with because so often I can get butt hurt over responses or such. There was one time we went to this event called Jesus Burgers in Santa Barbara. We helped college kids hand out free burgers along with prayer to drunk and high kids partying on Friday night. I grew up with friends who partied but never went. God took those people out of my life during the end of high school and I never understood until now. I was curious and the enemy would put thoughts in my head. But I knew I had to have the Lord guard my heart in that day. My mind can go down paths that would think, “what if I had a different life before I surrender my life to Christ and I didn’t grow up in church”. But God had me in that upbringing because I have little self-control. I would have been a mess if I grew up in public school or around those type of people. I like to please others. The Lord guarded me my whole life and protected me around friends, my brother, and people I worked with and their lifestyles. And now that I can see that I have been protected I am to be faithful. I am to be faithful to the path that the Lord has me on and now sway out of curiosity or because of laziness. I am so thankful the Lord has had his hand over me my whole life. I remember growing up and my brother was kicked out of the house because he drank and did all the drugs. From my parents doing that when I was in elementary school I was protected from seeing that side of the world. At the time I was so confused but now everything makes sense. God was always protecting me and is still doing so. I am to be faithful and guard my spirit. 

application: pray for Jon tonight


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