For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

When you are in a sport of are a runner, you are to train. I look at my dad and when he is training for a marathon he puts his mind to it. He is faithful to run that race to the best of his ability. As Christians, we are to train in godliness. That means to read the word every day and be in prayer. When we are godly, it is of value because we can use it in every situation. When we are in bad situations and act godly we are shown as a light. It shows that we have the Holy Spirit living in us and we will not be moved by the things of this world. Godliness affects where we will spend eternity and that is in heaven. This life here on earth should be a preparation for what is to come. We should be living with an eternal mindset. We should have a heart for others and want to plant seeds in the hearts of those who don't know Jesus. this has been convicting me in outreaches. we have no clue when death will come so we are to share the love of Jesus with as many people as we can. 

Application: next time I go out on an outreach I am going to pray in faith my whole way there and be on constant prayer. 


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