Philippians 3:9

Philippians 3:9
 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith—
As followers of Jesus Christ we are not under the law. Christ coming down from heaven as man allows us to live under the new covenant. In the Sermon on the Mount it shows that the old covenant was based on laws and rituals. Jesus shows the contrast of how the Pharisees act (old covenant) and how Christians are to act (new covenant). Jesus talks about the Pharisees and their righteousness which contrasts to our righteousness with the new covenant which is between man and God. We are under grace now since Jesus died on the cross. When we have faith that he did indeed do that, we are found in Him. We are sanctified also through Jesus. We are made holy and set apart when we are washed by the blood of Christ. He does not want us to live a hypocritical life like the pharisees and live wanting to be righteous. God allows us to be righteous when He sanctifies us. We need to build our foundation on the solid rock and lean on the Lord. With trials and hardships we will not be shaken because of the power of Jesus that lives within us. We need to take this teaching to heart so we can live by the new covenant Jesus Christ made by dying for us as the true sacrifice. His love allows us to be righteous not by works but by faith. 

Application: I am going to not go to bed before curfew tonight so I can have good convos with my team


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