Matthew 20:26-28

Matthew 20:26-28
even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 

When we further the Lord’s kingdom we are to do that through service. In God’s kingdom, the ones who will be esteemed are those who serve and serve in humility. I have to ask myself do I serve in humility? Most of the time I am not serving in humility, but I am serving just because I am told to. So often we serve and look around to see if anyone is watching us. But we do not have to worry about that. We have a God in heaven who watches our every move. He watches us when we serve and that is all that matters. We do not serve man but God. Christ did not come into the world to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. Christ came down from heaven to be the perfect sacrifice and to pay the price for our sin. When we serve it should be sacrificial. The things which God has blessed us with should not be hidden. We are to give what Christ has so freely given to us. That is sacrifice. Christ has given us eternal life and salvation so we are to share the Gospel and try to lead others to that free gift. Our lives should be a witness to what God has done for us. Non-believers should be able to look at our lives and see that we are different. I remember working in high school and my manager could see that I was different. My service was different that my other co-workers. I worked so that I could be an example of Christ and did not slack in my job. That was being a witness and in that my manager started to ask questions. In so many ways we can serve in humility and others can see the light of Christ shining through us. In all that glory should be given to God.

Application: I am going to pray for my old co-workers especially my friend Jen.  


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