Hebrews 5:8

Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.
I was such a naughty and rebellious child growing up. I was manipulative and an instigator to my older siblings to get attention. Because of that I got every form of punishment. I got the wooden spoon, spatula, soap, tabasco sauce, time out and everything else you can think of. And let me tell you it made be obedient. I did not want to suffer the consequences of misbehaving. It took me awhile to figure that out but I soon learned. God disciplines us and it can seem like suffering. He can take people and things out of our life but it brings forth obedience. When we are putting God in that leadership over our lives we should submit to him with obedience. Even if it does mean suffering. Suffering could be persecution. But even in those situations we are to be obedient. We are to be as obedient as a dog with his master. I think of my dog who is so obedient. He knows when he does something naughty because my mom disciplines him. But he is given enough freedom to know the rules he needs to follow. He knows that we trust him to be off leash in our yard that is not fenced in. In the same way God gives us freedom and we know not to leave the yard. But some Christians want to test the waters and that can lead to a different kind of suffering that they themselves put on. But God is faithful and will reward those who are obedient. 

Application: I am going show obedience and faithfulness by writing letters to my team. 


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