1 Timothy 6:6-8

1 Timothy 6:6-8
But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.
When I learned that this weeks theme was contentment I laughed. God has been teaching me contentment big time in this week. From Pastor Mike telling me to be content, to other people conforming it through conversation I have been learning to be content where the Lord has me in this time. I am to be content right were I am with what God has blessed me with. God has placed me in Guatemala with all I need including peanut butter and my slippers. I am in God’s will so I am in peace. Sometimes we can be so materialistic with the things of this world. Like a car, a house, and money. This is convicting because the desire for marriage and a family can also encompass this. I need to be thankful for what I have and what is to come. I have faith that if God has brought me here then his ways for the rest of my life are going to be incredible. God has been so faithful to me thus far so I am thankful that he is in control. Yes, I want to get married and have children but my job here on earth is to further the Lord’s kingdom. We want to gain all these earthly things before we die because we think they will bring happiness. So often when we talk about Jesus’s second coming we want him to come after we get married. I am guilty of saying that. I am now okay with it not happening because our home is not here but in heaven. I need to start thinking eternally. With this eternal mindset we will be more thankful and not expect things to happen but will see them as blessings when they come. Expectations will ruin the idea of contentment. 

Application: I am going to only have one cup of coffee tomorrow


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