Mark 10:47:49

Mark 10:47:49
And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 48 And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
Reading this text about the blind beggar reminds me of people who beg in big cities. Whenever I go to Time Square I get approached by people asking for money. They wake up with the question “how and when am I going to eat”? Bartimaeus must have had it very difficult since he was blind. He probably lived with people in similar circumstances judging his everyday move. When he heard Jesus was passing by I can’t imagine the excitement of the possibility of getting healed. With the amount of faith he had, there wasn't a possibility that he was getting healed. He believed that Jesus would give Him sight without a doubt. And he did not back down when people rebaked him and told him to be silent. When we have faith for an unbelievable circumstance and people find out what we are praying about do we stop when they tell us we’re crazy? Do we get caught up with what people think? We shouldn’t. But sometimes we do. At least I do. Sometimes when I get faith to do something and I tell a friend they give me bad advice. I feel as though I am being lead by the spirit and want to act upon it in faith but a comment sometimes holds me back. When we are lead by the Spirit we do not need advice whether to say it or act upon it. We need to just in faith follow! This man did not care what others thought but believed in his whole heart the miraculous works of Jesus Christ. Looking at this man, I want to have the confidence that he had. He was rebuked by a whole crowd but did not listen to them. 

Application: This week I am not going to ask what people think in my dorm this week. Working on my confidence in Christ


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