1 John 4:18–19

1 John 4:18–19
 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 19 We love because he first loved us.
Love does not envy, boast, is arrogant, or act rudely. Sometimes these things come out when we have a fear of man. I know I have a daily battle with myself because I sometimes fear man. But there is no fear in love. If i fear then I have not been perfected in love. This is something I have been mediating on. I have been reading 1 Corinthians 13 and realized what perfect love is. It is truly our heavenly father. But looking at love in others lives it is patient, kind, rejoices in truth, hopes all things, believes all things, and endures all things. Do I have those in my life? Most of the time no. But I am challenged to practice these so that I am not fearful. It is interesting to me that fear is used indifferent ways of the Bible. Like how we are to fear and have reverence towards God. And God is perfect love. The only thing I am to fear is the Lord. I know as  child of God I am to have reverence towards him. But what does that look like practically? I think it looks like loving my brothers and sisters and serving them sacrificially. Because that is what God would have me do. It is honestly a struggle sometimes because i become so selfish. I know its cliche but sometimes I get convicted and think of what Jesus would do in that situation. The Lord is convicting me of so many things in this section of scripture this may be very confusing but I really love how one verse convicts in so many areas of my life. 

Application: do something sacrificially for my teammates today. 


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