For I have chosen you

Haggai 2:23
On that day, declares the Lord of hosts, I will take you, O Zerubbabel my servant, the son of Shealtiel, declares the Lord, and make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen you, declares the Lord of hosts.”

Zerubbabel was given a task. He was to finish the building of the temple in Jerusalem. He was given that task by the Lord. The whole book of Haggai shows how the relationship with the Lord and Zion is so beautiful. Jerusalem is His city. It is His dwelling place. In Psalm 76:2 the Psalmist states that the Lord indeed does dwell in Zion. The Lord entrusted Haggai to be the prophet in this time as Zerubbabel was in charge of rebuilding the temple which is the Holy place where people can worship and see the Lord’s presence. The Lord chose Zerubbabel and made him like a signet ring. Signet rings were so important in that day. I remember seeing King Hezekiah’s signet ring in Jerusalem. It marked who they were and which authority they were given to rule. The Lord gave the authority to Zerubbabel over the Jewish people. Would the Lord give me that authority? I believe the Lord will but I need to be willing and obedient to what he has for me. In the New Testament we are sealed by Jesus Christ and are children of God. That is our sealing that gives us authority. The Lord has been working on me this week as I have been reading through Haggai. In every task and work I do unto the Lord I need to obey the voice of the Lord for He is with me. He alone gives me strength. I am not to fear when I feel like people are coming at me. The Lord will give our team peace when it looks rocky from the outside. I need to live in faith that the Lord will do that. We have been asked to keep each other in check for our responsibilities. Sometimes it can sound repetitive but we are representing the ministry as they are in authority to us. I need to speak in love if I am reminding someone about picking up things or dirty dishes. It’s so easy for me to just say stuff without thinking. Today I was able to just be quiet before my team and I am going to do that the rest of the day. I am going to be quiet and listen. 


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