Song of Solomon 7:10

Song of Solomon 7:10 - I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me. 

To be loved and desired is every girls dream. I always grew up wanting to be loved having not been shown much love growing up. This was a thing I dwelled on which took me down the path of insecurities and anxieties which grew to an addiction to porn at a young age. This sin bound me for a long time until I surrendered my life to Christ. At this point I understood that the Lord desired me and if I was the only one on earth he still would have died for me. There can be a presupposition before reading Song of Solomon that its made only for married couples or something of that sort. But it’s in the Bible so I read it when I get to it. Reading through Song of Solomon has given me an even bigger desire for marriage that I know God has promised me. But I also understand to not stir up or awaken love until the appointed time. God’s timing is perfect. God knows that I am not ready for marriage right now being in a missions program. God is pruning things out of my life and continuing to refine me in this process of sanctification. And reading this verse that soon one day someones desire will be for me gives me a hope. It is interesting in this verse because previously in previous chapters where a similar verse was mentioned showed a possession. “my lover is mine” was replaced with “his desire is for me”. It is a beautiful picture because his love has grown so strongly for his wife that his only desire was her and her only. I can also look at this and see how is parallels to Christ’s love to his church. Christ’s desire for his children is so strong. Our security is found in the Lord and I need to put my hope and trust in only him only. I can’t be focused on anything else. Because then it becomes a distraction. 

Application: I am going to read the Song of Solomon devotional that Cait said I could use


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