Jonah 2: 1-9

Jonah 2: 1-9

In this prayer Jonah is thanking God for delivering him from drowning. Jonah is praising the Lord for his mercies. When we are rescued from the Lord how often do we complain about the whole process before hand instead of first having thanksgiving. This was a trial for Jonah. This trial came after the fact that he was reluctant to the calling the Lord had for him. He wanted to change the way of his life by not going to Nineveh but the Lord was sovereign and did not change His plans. So often I don’t see the end goal so I doubt or complain. God tells me to do something and I refuse. I say no and great things could have happened. If Jonah never would have gone to Nineveh then all of those people would not have gotten saved. So often in disobedience I miss out on the blessing the Lord would have had for me. Because of the evilness of my heart and flesh I want my own way. But I am dead. I have given my life to the Lord and have no rights. My hope is in the Lord and I need to remember to be constantly stepping out in faith for the plans the Lord has for me as I walk in his will. I do not want to have regrets when the Lord is telling me to go but I say no. 
Application: I am going to write down a list of things in the morning that I am thankful in the past week


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