1 Peter 4:7

1 Peter 4:7
 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
Sober-minded means to be serious, sensible, and composed. When I think of sober I think of it in terms of drinking. In my past I was not acting sober-minded, I was living in hypocrisy. Peter is telling us that the coming of the Lord is at hand. We do not want to be caught in sin when He comes to take his church. Being home for ten days can be a time of temptation. For me I could be in one of those situations. I could be offered drinks but I am not going to hang out with those people. When we cloud our minds by alcohol or drugs we are not being composed. Composure is necessary for the sake of our prayers. I am praying now that I will be rooted and not swayed when I go home for my ten days. I do not want to compromise for my faith. I do not want to ruin my testimony. God has already done such a work in my life I do not want go back. I used to feel so guilty when I drank I did not even want to go to Church because I knew I was a hypocrite. But now I have worth in Christ. I am going to ask my friends to keep my accountable when I go home.

Application: I am going to ask my friend Bethwyn to keep my accountable when I go home


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