Phillipians 3:8

Phillipians 3:8
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ 

We should not give up stuff for Christ and regret it. We can give up things of the flesh such as lusts or material things. When we sacrifice those things God blesses us. Paul’s prior privileges are pointless compared to experiencing Christ. He lost all to live for Christ. We need to do the same and rejoice in those things that happened. The things of this world are temporary and we will gain justification in Him. Paul was sanctified, he became righteous and Holy in the sight of God. He got the future glorification of heaven giving his life to Jesus. We would not enjoy heaven without Jesus. We need to find satisfaction in Jesus. That is what heaven is. Whatever we go through it doesn't matter. God has planned so much because He loves us. The purpose of this life is to find Jesus. Just as we have hardships, Jesus was a man of sorrows and we will share in those so Jesus will bring us out and be glorified. I remember a time when I was struggling in high school but through it God was glorified. Christ strengthens us in our greatest struggle. He promises to help us. God promised to help me and did help me. I need to pray for more refinement in the fire…to God be the glory. It is better be prepared for suffering than not expecting it. 

Application: I am going to ask my teammates if they are suffering through anything and pray for them.


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