Philippians 3:10

Philippians 3:10
that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,
Suffering is a major occurrence in the life of a Christian. We can suffer by non-believers, attacks from the enemy, or even our own minds. Paul went through so much for the sake of Christ. He got imprisoned, stoned, whipped, and eventually martyred. I need to praise God in my sufferings.  When I suffer do I go through it for the sake of Christ? The things I go through Christ has also gone through here on earth when God sent His son. We have a great High Priest in heaven who has gone through the same time temptations as me and will help me. When and I go through them, he will save us and after I am to give glory to God. We should not boast of ourselves getting through these valleys but God bringing us through those hardships and struggles with His power and strength. I am going to now count it all joy when I fall into these circumstances because I know my heavenly father suffered and he was able to endure by the Father. Last week I had a migraine for six days. But I kept going knowing that what we were doing was furthering the kingdom of heaven. We were putting a big fat dent in hell. I was not going to let my physical infirmities stop me from ministering to others by skit or vbs. With the power of prayer I was able to endure and God did use all of us to save lives. 

Application: next time I am sick during class I am going to endure it and not lay in bed. 


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