Romans 6:16

Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? 
When we are obedient it leads to righteousness. When we are obedient to the things which God calls us to He will set us apart and sanctify is in righteousness. The previous verse talks how we are under grace. That doesn’t mean we should sin repeatedly on purpose because we know God is going to give us grace. Being a slave to sin leads to death. I was a slave to sin for over 7 years and it was killing me inside. It brought bitterness, depression, insecurities, and hate into my heart. I thought I could keep sinning because I was not under the law but under grace. But I had no excuse to keep sinning. I was digging myself a deeper and deeper whole. One of my friends told me that our lives are like a fire and every time we sin and pour a bucket of water over that flame. A couple of years ago I had no fire. I was just a bundle of wet sticks. There was no fruit to my actions and I was not obeying God in the slightest way. I was living a hypocritical life filled with disobedience. I realized that I could not serve two masters. I needed lay down my weights and serve the one true, living God. The consequence to my sin was death which Jesus had already done for me on that cross. But my actions basically showed that what Christ did wasn’t enough. But now my obedience leads to the “consequence” of righteousness which is eternal life. 

Application: I am going to pray for Alyssa today


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