Romans 15:1

We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
So many times in our walks we become weak. We can feel like our lives are stagnant. Times like these can feel like valleys juxtaposed with mountain top experiences. When our brothers and sisters in Christ are failing in their walk or struggling we are to come along side them and help lift them off their feet. This is such an encouraging thing to do because at some point in my life when I was failing, I had someone come and help me get off the ground. I can remember getting council from a friend of mine and it honestly changed my life. She was so wise and gave me the right words and the right encouragement. We should not be prideful and puffed up when helping others but serve others in humility. That is what God calls us to be. We are to be humble first and then comes the honor. I need to pray more to be humble because I can come across as prideful when I talk about past experiences and times God worked in my life in college. But still in those times I was weak and i needed help from the strong. 

Application: I am going to ask someone from my team if I can help them in a weak area in their lives. 


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