Revelation 1:9

Revelation 1:9
 I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
We are to endure through all things. That might look like getting sent to an island like John. But we are to have endurance through those times because God can use it just like he used John. The Lord will use situations like trials and tribulations to speak to us and to show us more of himself. We are to cling to him in times like those. I can remember a time when I was at Bible college. My roommate and I were going through a trial smack dab at the beginning of the semester. Bethwyn and I were going through a difficult time and we only had each other. But God grew Bethwyn (my best friend) and I very close in that time as we prayed in the midst of this trial and sought the Lord in the situation. In the end God was sovereign and dealt with the situation. God heard our prayers in the midst of our trials in a place we were not familiar with. We were both sent to an “island” and sought God in that time and God was faithful. We endured through this time and in the end it brought us closer to the Lord and to each other. This is a testimony of God working in our lives because in this hard time we sought after the Lord with our whole heart. In this time God spoke to me very clearly about desires in my heart and revealed new things to me. This time reminds me of 2 Corinthians 12:10 when Paul writes about his hardships and in that time of being weak the Lord gave him strength to endure. For the sake of Christ I am content with insults and hardships. 
Application: I going to pray the issue we went through and the people involved. 


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