Ps 17:15

As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness; 
when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness. 

Ps 17:15.
When I wake am I satisfied in the face of the Lord’s righteousness? Not all the time. Not before I have coffee or dive into the word. I never really had the thirst to read the Bible until being in Israel. The Lord has given me this desire to wake up and draw closer to Him. I am also blessed by the fact that I’ve been waking up early. I have never been a morning person and I still don't think I am but by the grace of God I am able to wake up and start my day bright and early. The morning before Agua I did not have time to read the Bible. People could tell something was different. I was getting ticked off by people touching me and talking to me. I just wanted to sleep. And this is all because I did not read the Bible to start off the day. Thankfully the bus driver was late so we had time to read the Bible. If I had not read the Bible that morning the day would have been miserable. I would not have had the strength to walk up that volcano with the Lord’s guidance. I was satisfied in the Lord that day and are everyday I wake up with the Lord. When we seek God we become sanctified and made righteous before him, not self- righteousness, but holy righteousness. 


I am going to read more chapters today in my Devo and break the chapters up more inductively as I do my devo. 


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