Luke 21:19

Luke 21:19
By your endurance gain your lives.
Our Christian life is a race. We are to run the race with endurance and with patience looking unto Jesus.  In a race only one runner receives a prize. I have had the privilege to see my dad train for marathons. He is disciplined with what he eats and how he trains his body for the race. He faithfully wakes up every morning preparing to run those 26.2 miles. Watching him train for this life time achievement is filled with hardships like injuries or time management but it is worth it in the end to cross that finish line. But in a marathon there is only one winner. And my dad has not won the marathon (he is 56 years old). But I have also had the privilege to work a water stop at mile 20 which is the home stretch. I have handed water to the elite runners and one of them received that prize of being the first one to cross the finish line. And as Christians, we are to run the race to win. We are to go all out for Christ Jesus. Paul likes to compare the Christian walk to athletes because athletic lives are disciplined and full of hard work. God will guide us when we seek to walk after His will. When we live our life with endurance and persevere through troubles and hardships we gain life and life more abundantly. 

Application: I am going to do 20 pushups and add one more onto each day for one week. 


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