hebrews 13:5

hebrews 13:5
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Being content with what we have can be a struggle. We can often look to the right or to the left to what others have. We only need so much in the world to live a happy life. Riches will not satisfy the heart because we are always going to want more. The beginning of this chapter talks about hospitality. I believe that the gift of hospitality is one of the less used gifts. But it is so necessary. This gift requires sacrifice and dying to self. I want to strive for this gift. I would love to have a house where people can come from all over and I can bless them with hospitality. One family in my life is a real example of using the gift of hospitality. They moved to Israel with nothing. They were living in an apartment with black mold for a while. The parents and the children were getting sick while balancing running a Bible college. They were content. But the Lord blessed them with a house in the only Christian community in Israel. They moved there with nothing. One day a truck pulls up with beds, couches, tables, chairs, and there furniture. This family lives everyday by faith. They live in contentment. They are landlocked right now because of citizenship problems but they sacrifice so much for others. They would give a night in their home for 20 young adults to fellowship. The wife would labor over making baked goods to feed us using a small oven. This is what I want. To have little but to give it away for others. This family is the biggest example in my life of surrender. They walk everyday by faith to when they need money to pay the bills it shows up on their doorstep. 

Application: I am going to pray this week everyday for this family and their freedom to leave Israel and not be landlocked. 


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