2 Corinthians 10:5

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ
This verse helped me at a pivotal time in my walk with Christ back when I was living in Jerusalem. I was going through a time of fear and doubt in the promises the Lord gave to me. It was making me depressed and feel empty and dark inside.Walking around and going to class I felt this oppression fall over me as if I was the only one in the room. I was having a deep conversation with my friends and my close friend Liel told me that I need to take the words of the Lord captive in obedience to Him. She told me to write His truths down on index cards to remind me of His faithfulness. If there were any questions or doubts that came into my mind I knew they were not from God so I held on to his truth. I am so thankful that my friend explained this to me so I was not struggling in this battle of fear and peace. The thoughts that come into our heads can destroy us. I need to daily submit my thoughts to the Lord and cast my cares unto Him. He is our heavenly father and wants to be our comfort and refuge. This is so encouraging because we do not have to hide anything from Him. We can be open with him and thats were our relationship deepens. That is where vulnerability can come in as well. This is how our earthly relationships deepen as well. 

Application: I am going be more vulnerable with my team next time we pray. 


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