2 Corinthians 1:12

2 Corinthians 1:12
For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you.
What do we boast in? Some may boast in a achievements, a possession, or abilities. Like I boast that I have the cutest niece in the world and I have confidence in this. Paul had confidence in his morals that he behaved according to the Spirit. I have to ask myself the question, “do I have that confidence as I live day to day?’ Do my morals show that I don’t have earthly wisdom but wisdom from God? I hope so. As I read this I have to observe the way I respond to situations. When I wake up and dig into the word first thing in the morning I can have a fantastic day because I have been filled with the spirit. But if I wake up and just have my coffee I will not be able to boast in the confidence because I would have a “flesh day”. When we live by the spirit and attain that wisdom, we die to the flesh so we can live.  When Christians walk in the Spirit, the spirit of God lives in them. Also is our wisdom self-serving which is earthy wisdom or is it wisdom under the grace of God? Am I guided by the love of others and do I seek after their best interest? If we have this godly wisdom than that answer should be a yes. When we have godly wisdom we are to put to death the flesh and sacrifice for others. We are to pour into others so that they can be ministered to. At first I found it difficult but then someone told me I spoke to them with words of wisdom. During this time in my life I realized I was filled with the Spirit and was being used by the Spirit. It was very encouraging to be able to build up the body of Christ.

Application: I am going to be sincere in my actions today and ask the girl RA’s for prayer requests. 


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